Important Dates

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ho-down we go!

We are basking in 83 degree weather and doing well. Update on activities, Mon went to the ho-down, western week this week. Tues went to the woodshop, then went to hear the Blackwood Bros at a church in town at night. Great program. Wed woodshop, eat and woodshop, then to hear the Desert Sons at night, local guys, just okay. Thurs woodshop, then shopping, whoopee, then cards tonight. Fri is another western program at night. Sat is most likely woodshop, I'm making bowls, and a barbershop contest at night. Sun we will go to a local church and take it easy. Mon we go to Mexico to the dentist. Most of our friends are sick with the flu. We are fine, hope it stays that way. And so it goes.

Love you all.

Gramma and Grampa

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Doing well!

We woke up in Ruidosso where the weather forcast was mid to upper 20's and it was 13. More frozen stuff. It was two years ago we went to a yard sale here in our park in Tucson and I picked up a spare water pump for 5 dollars, [ a new one is close to 100 dollars] That was a simple job to change. We arrived in Sunsites on Monday and parked at Ruth and Al. Al was and is in the hospital in Tucson recovering from a triple bypass so Ruth was gone. We spent Mon afternoon at Harry and Betsy, had supper there. Tues we went to see Aunt Helen at the home she is in in Cochise. She is quite confused most of the time. she looks good, lost a lot of weight and is being well taken care of at this home. Uncle John Weeks is doing much better since Aunt Helen went into this home. His back is better now that he does't have to lift her and almost do everything for her, but he is alone in the house and would like her back in the house, but that won't happen.

We planned to spend several days in Sunsites, but since Al and Ruth were not there, and Harry and Betsy left for a short trip, we left for Tucson, arrived here Wed, and have been busy since we arrived. Wed night was the Diamonds, [ music from the 50's and 60's], Thurs we went to the rodeo. This is a BIG rodeo, School is closed for a week, it is on TV, and we got great seats. Fri washed the crud off of the car, went to the woodshop and started on laminated roof racks for the kayak. Mom went to sew some things for people in wheel chairs. Last night, Fri, we stayed put and read. Sat we are cooling it, half of the people are under the weather, and the other half have company. 70 degrees.

Love Gramma and Grampa

Thursday, February 21, 2008

update on Brian Boss family

Just a quick update:

Last Sunday Katie gave a power point presentation in our church about her trip to Africa.

Kara's last basketball game is on Friday in Gurnee, not far from Great America.

Saturday is a pinewood derby, Brian and Kara are making cars, but they haven't finished yet.

My mom had a steroid injection into her spine and within 3 days she was pain free and has been doing much better.

Kelsey's graduation date had to be changed to Friday, May 9 at 7pm.

Katie has been sick with the flu for a few days.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sickness Strikes Again UGGGGHHH!!

Hello All!

I hope you are all fairing this cold and flu season good. We can't seem to get out of it over here. Wayne caught something about 10 days ago, which he so kindly wanted to share with me. Between the chills, aches, fevers, dizziness, hacking coughs, and STILL not wanting to eat anything, we are just wanting to become mobile. Wayne is feeling somewhat better. Been going to work, but coming home and falling asleep very early. We've now passed on this wonderful whatever-it-is onto Kylie who then gave it to Mickey. They've both been down and out since Thursday night with 102-103 fevers. No throwing up, just cold, achy & tired.

Liz & Brittany I'm sure are up for it next, but Brittany hasn't missed a day of school in 5 years. She's got a pretty good immune system. HOPEFULLY they won't get this!

I'm ready to sanitize my house. AGAIN!! This is the second time in a month. I had never in my life had the flu shot before. When I went to the doctor with Kylie in December, they asked us if we wanted to get one as long as we were there. We said "Sure!" We've both had the flu twice now. Never again will I get that shot!

Anyway, here's hoping that all of you stay healthy. I know that this is going around school - either the puking flu, or the respitory flu. Hopefully none of you catch it!

I sure wish I were on my way to Arizona to bake this stuff out of me!
Mom & Dad, when you get down there, please send some warm air & sunshine up this way!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

We left about 7:15 Fri A M. Drove to Lebanon, Mo., cold , but went well. Sat woke up to COLD weather, about 20, drove to Elk City, Ok., in rain, ice covered foliage along the road, and strong winds and found I did not winterize as well as I could have, some frozen and cracked water lines. Went to a local hardware store and got what I needed, fixed what I saw broken and found our water pump is bad. We need this when we are on the road and not hooked up to a water line. We will use water jugs until we get to Tucson and repair it there. Plugged in our new very powerful vacuum [V8] and found it doesn't work. Left old reliable at home. Not good. We got a call from Ruth Wilcoxon that Al is in the hospital and will have a double bypass operation tomorrow, Monday, and Ruth will be in Tucson also. We will park at their house and visit Aunt Helen and Unclr John and see Harry and Betsy and then decide when to go to Tucson. Our original plans were to go to Sunsites on Mon and on Sat go to Tucson. We'll play it by ear. Tonight is cold, below freezing, in Ruidoso N M.
Love Gramma and Grampa

Saturday, February 9, 2008